H&I Steering Meeting August 2024

Steering Committee Draft Minutes

Zoom Info: Meeting ID: 949 2788 6274 Password:06301935 www.vwhi.org



Meeting Started: 0703pm

FYI: Visitors are allowed to come to this meeting. Anyone who desires to learn more is

invited.But only members can vote. If we need an executive vote or discussion, we can

enable the waiting room.

Declaration of Unity: This we owe to AA’s future: To place our common welfare first; To

keep our fellowship united. For on A.A. unity depends on our lives, and the lives of

those to come.

Roll Call: Shawna, Deb, David, Shawna, Joleen, Dona S, Deb B, Adam, Tim, Robert,

Joleen, Amy B with Bookworms – listening, Matthew B., Jose

OPENED: Serenity Prayer 7:03pm


CHAIRPERSON: Debbie C | chairperson@vwhi.org Debbie started meeting.

Canceled OOMA. Will not charge for this month.

CO-CHAIRPERSON Shawna D| co_chairperson@vwhi.org No report

SECRETARY: Joleen| secretary@vwhi.org 1st Adam 2nd David approved

TREASURER: Robert| treasurer@vwhi.org Called for Certificate for AWD. Church for

the meeting insurance has been received. Address for the meeting has been updated.

Auto owners insurance has been updated. Contributions $2799.44. Expenses

Awareness day and traveling expenses for Lu previously discussed.

LITERATURE: Tim G| literature@vwhi.org No orders. Stock is low. Stalling until new

order comes in. $31,000 in the bank.TECHNOLOGY CHAIR: Jose | webservant@vwhi.org to work on the email issue.

TREATMENT CO-CHAIR Adam| treatment_cochair@vwhi.org There are a lot of

requirements for volunteers. Filling positions is difficult.

TREATMENT CHAIR: Dona| treatment_chair@vwhi.org Adam and Dona are trying to

fill positions in treatment facilities. Training will be increased to every month. One facility

closed but the services are trying to hold on.

CORRECTIONS CHAIR: Lu | corrections_coordinator@vwhi.org Lu not in


MSCO LIAISON: David L: | mcso_liaison@vwhi.org No changes. Estrella is closed.

No new applications till the first of the year. Watkins has openings. Alexis has meetings

still setting meetings up.

OLD BUSINESS: (We don’t need to read the old business unless we have


1. Group inventory a Saturday in August morning of the 31st

. on zoom


2. BTG

a. Deb will create the Pamphlets and Bookmarks and send them to

chair and steering for approval because the existing GSO pamphlet

is not specific for our program, we need to return the 500 pamphlets

Tim ordered. He needs to get them back from David and Deb.

3. Refunds:

a. Did we get a refund from the previous church? Not yet

4. Webservant website Discussions. Viable solutions! Matt– approved to

update website. Has ideas for cheaper ideas for website development.

There are more options. Freelancer.com gives options for a website and

wordpress for options for the website development. They compete to win

the business. $300-400. Matt is also looking for a service commitment. The

server is rented for space. Once the developer is selected, the technology

team will take it from there. Discussed 501 C as well. He is familiar with the

program. Matthew is willing to do the filtering of the candidates. Once it is

down to 3 the steering committee will then select. Tim mentioned we

need more than just the website development. Need a package forprocess, He thinks it $3000-6000 just for the website. Matthew will work with

Jose to make sure it is comprehensive. Matthew recommends a

technology subcommittee. Committee agrees.Donna 1st Joleen 2nd.

Dona’s concern is that nothing is stored in the cloud. Right now all emails

are not stored in the cloud but in their private email cloud. This is time

sensitive. It was approved to have an emergency steering committee

meeting if need be.


1. 2. 3. 4. BTG Phone number will be updated since Ooma did not support our

needs, any updates. Debbie sent the newest form. Discussed.Robert

reported that H&I will be the reporter for the workshop. 3rd Tuesday of

the month. Need to get them approved and printed.

Treasurer-Accounting software updates? 50c is in place. Debbie will


Awareness Day: Oct 5th. 10-2pm

H&I training now every month! Adam

Birthdays? none

Motion to close: 1st David 2nd Dona all in favor no abstentions

Closed with responsibility declaration.

Closed at: .8:05 pm 2024