H&I Business Meeting February 2024

  Business Meeting Minutes

Central Church, United Methodist Community

Womack Hall 1875 North Central Avenue Phoenix Arizona 85004

PO Box 80126, Phoenix, 85060 

Zoom Info: Meeting ID: 967 6993 2179 Password:552877 www.vwhi.org


Open: Serenity Prayer    7:00pm 1900

Reading of the Concept: 2ndDavid

Roll Call: In Room: Deb B,, Jeff S, Irving T, Lia M, Marissa , Nick B, Brandon D, Ricky W, Debbie C, On-line: Jean, Nick O, Jenny B, Maggie Hill, Lori, Shawna, Dona, Tim, Lori, LBR, Nikki K. Michael, Lu, Regina, Paul T, Zack W,



In EVEN months reports from Hospitals and Treatment will be presented.

In ODD Months Corrections and Prisons will present their reports.

But First lets here from the steering committee.



CHAIRPERSON: Debbie C. | chairperson@vwhi.org   Working the emails for open positions and getting acclimated to present position. Got new treasurer on Bank. Working with adhoc team to get a new meeting location in Tempe. Also covering secretary position which has become open since last meeting.

CO-CHAIRPERSON: Shawna D.| co_chairperson@vwhi.org We have tabled the group inventory until later in the year. Will be handled by me.

SECRETARY: Open | secretary@vwhi.org Posted 1st Lu    2nd Lori passed Y

TREASURER: Felica | treasurer@vwhi.org (Was online, but Kory is covering this month)Posted 1st        2 nd,   passed. N (tabled) Dona made motion Lu 2nd motion Issue with displaying report online will be voted on next month, with the march report.

LITERATURE: Tim G | literature@vwhi.org Things going well bought 12 grand discounted to 10 grand, Area is out of the meeting guide when they get them in we will buy them to distribute. All books on hand except for two that were delivered today.

AWARENESS DAY: Lu Belle D| awareness_day@vwhi.org First meeting on Monday, still putting committee together a lot of positions are open, open still looking in Scottsdale for the venue. The next meeting will be this Sunday at noon I will give you the deets just let me know if you would like to attend. Hopefully the end of April for the date of. Q. Please put your number in the chat for us. A. ok

TECHNOLOGY CHAIR: Jose G | webservant@vwhi.org NP NR

TREATMENT CHAIR: Dona S | treatment_chair@vwhi.org  Has open facilities during odd hours and we can’t place volunteers please find your members that can facilitate these places. Q. Can you give detailed locations? A. No, we don’t give out facility locations, but I can give relative locations for those areas needing help to give a location for support. Q. Are they co-ed? A. Yes

Q. An online group would like to know of any updates for online service commitments for facilities? A. I did find an online rehab but have not had a reply yet. Q. Another question about the surprise facility? A. We need to send a facilitator in with two speakers.

CORRECTIONS CHAIR: LuBelle D | corrections_chair@vwhi.org Two new badges and one renew in Florence Still looking for volunteers for Lewis, Parryville, Florence, Application is now 14 pages instead of the 22. The process is going faster please call me if you have questions, we have no one attending meeting in four units co-ed volunteers can go into Perryville Q. What are the requirements.A.3 years sob 5 years off paper. Q. Are there specific days of the week. A. After 6pm on weekdays but we can go in on weekends also in the evening due to their schedules. I am the coordinator for Perryville so please call me.

SERVICE LIAISON: Regina M | service_liaison@vwhi.org  I am stepping down please put out the word this position will be open. Decided to stand for open secretary position.

MCSO: David L | mcso_liaison@vwhi.org Need volunteers working on sponsor letters.


  1. Elections for open position on steering committee. Treasurer
  2. Update on church business meeting location.
  3. When David stepped into the MCSO Position, he should have stepped out of the following coordinators positions: So, we need to elect new coordinators for the following:
    1. Watkins & TOWERS – ESTELLA | 35th Ave & Buckeye, South Phoenix:
    1. LOWER BUCKEYE – 4TH AVENUE | 4th Ave. & Jefferson, Downtown Phoenix
  • Kory Budget. Passed


  1. Elections for open position on steering committee. Secretary Regina M stood and was elected as the new secretary rotation 2024-2026. Regina was voted in by acclimation Shawna 2nd David and none opposed.
  2. New positions open which need a coordinator are BTG, Watkins & TOWERS – ESTELLA, LOWER BUCKEYE, Service Liaison please bring this to your group for possible volunteer. Any questions about the jail positions contact Mcso Liaison
    1. Irving T stood for Bridging the gap. Shawna made a motion to accept by acclimation 2nd by Dona.

In EVEN months reports from Hospitals and Treatment will be presented.

In ODD Months Corrections and Prisons will present their reports.


BRIDGING THE GAP: IRVING| bridging_the_gap@vwhi.org. just elected

AREA 03: New Paul T| treatment@area03.org Paul introduced himself, happy to be available to our committee.

DISTRICT 08: Zack W | district08@vwhi.org  Introduced himself also happy to be available for us from district 08

NEWCOMER LIAISON/COORDINATOR: Jenny B| newcomer iaison@vwhi.org. Has been slow at returning emails to some. issues in life but working at getting a timelier response. Q. contact information. A.Newcomer_liaison@vwhi.or placed in chat and given in room.

SPANISH: Salvador| spanish_coordinator@vwhi.org or hispanic_intergroup@vwhi.org NP NR

ASCYPAA: Megan |meganmarie8003@yahoo.com   NP NR


HOSPITALS EAST | East of Central Ave: Tony|hospitals_east@vwhi.org NP NR

HOSPITALSWEST | West of Central Ave: Michael | hospitals_west@vwhi.org  Was contact by Banner recently but no literature requests yet, also a detox at Suncity banner. (DTAC)Apparently a previous coordinator suggested they connect with Micheal he talked with them but most of the patients are not long term and don not fit the confined alcoholic aspect of our requirements.

TREATMENT CENTERS: Position being updated | treatment_coordinator@vwhi.org  Not filled NR.


Watkins & TOWERS – ESTELLA | 35th Ave & Buckeye, South Phoenix: David | towers_estrella_durango@vwhi.org

LOWER BUCKEYE – 4TH AVENUE | 4th Ave. & Jefferson, Downtown Phoenix: David | lower_buckeye_fourth_ave_jails@vwhi.org

PHOENIX WEST | Buckeye & 35th Ave, Phoenix: Alan H | phoenix_west_prison@vwhi.org Not present

FEDERAL CORRECTIONS | I-17 & Anthem Way, Phoenix: Amy-Lu. | federal_corrections@vwhi.org

ALHAMBRA | Van Buren & 24th St: Jay | alhambra_prison@vwhi.org

LEWIS | Highway 85 & Patterson, Buckeye: Bruce. | lewis_prison@vwhi.org

FLORENCE/Eyman | Highway 79 & Butte Ave, Florence: Bill/Pepe | florence_prisons@vwhi.org

PERRYVILLE | I-10 & Loop 303: LuBelle D | perryville_prison@vwhi.org Gone.


AGUA FRIA: Regina | afi_liaison@vwhi.org @aawestphoenix.org   In the process of hiring new office managers. A couple of groups are interested in the treatment information they will be in touch with the treatment chair, meal and a message of the West valley (2/24/2024) 5:30 pm Paula P from Champlain, Illinois, 50/50 raffle. Next fun opportunity – Picnic in the park 4/13/2024 10:00am-4:00 pm Rio Vista Community Park in Peoria, gso conference panel 3/16/2024 located at 9745 West Peoria Ave in Peoria 12:30pm -4:30 pm

EAST VALLEY: open| evi_liaison@vwhi.org 3/16/2024 45 anniversary dinner & speaker Love of Christ Lutheran Church 1525 N Power Rd, Mesa, AZ 85205

The SALT RIVER: Bob M. | sri_liaison@vwhi.org       NP NR

Before I ask for a motion to close, Has anyone had a Birthday since our last meeting? Larry T 1/23/2024 49Year 1/21/2024 Jenny 4 years, Lu 9 years

I will now entertain a MOTION TO CLOSE: 1STn David 2nd Lia All in favor Y.

Ended meeting with the Responsibility Declaration at    8:08pm 2008