Updated on 05/11/2024.

 Valleywide Hospitals and Institutions (VWHI) is an entity composed of people in the Alcoholics Anonymous fellowship who choose to be active in-service work by helping to carry the message to the confined alcoholic, who is defined as a person who is not free to leave a facility to attend outside meetings. Our primary function is to unify and coordinate these efforts. Our activities will always be directed by the GSO Guidelines and conform to the AA Traditions. We believe it is in the best interest of AA as a whole that we communicate and cooperate with other AA groups and/or committees in areas of mutual concern.

VWHI monthly business meetings are open for participation to all members of the fellowship; however, voting is limited to members of the body. All Group/Home Group Representatives, steering, service committee and all Coordinators, Intergroup Liaisons and the District 8 Corrections coordinator excluding the chair shall be voting members of the body. In the absence of a Group/Home Group Representative, an alternate Group/Home Group Representative may vote. A motion must pass by substantial unanimity (2/3 majority).


Every service responsibility should be matched by an equal service authority—the scope of such authority to be always well defined, whether by tradition, resolution, specific job description of appropriate charters and bylaws.


  • If an area of responsibility becomes vacant between scheduled elections, a special election may be held to fill the vacancy for the remaining period.
  • All elections are to be held at regularly scheduled monthly business meetings and shall be decided by a simple majority of the voting members then in attendance.
  • The Committee Chair, Committee Co-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Literature Chair, Treatment Chair, Corrections Chair, Technology Chair, MCSO Liaison and will be elected at the December monthly business meeting of each odd numbered year and shall assume their responsibilities beginning at the next monthly business meeting.
  • The Facility Coordinators and Service Committee will be elected at the December monthly business meetings of each even numbered year. Those elected or reelected will assume their responsibilities beginning at the next monthly business meeting.
  • All may succeed themselves except the Committee Chair and Treasurer, who may, however, be elected to those same areas of responsibility at a future time.
  • All elected members must attend at least two business meetings per quarter or shall be replaced. If the elected member is unable to attend a monthly VWHI business meeting, Coordinator shall share report with Co-Chair and Secretary via telephone or email prior to the start of the VWHI business meeting.
  • Sobriety requirements will not be waived for any elected VWHI position unless the person standing is within one or two months of required sobriety.

STEERING COMMITTEE: the Steering Committee shall be comprised of the following:

  • Chair
  • Co-Chair
  • Secretary / Alt
  • Treasurer
  • Literature Chair
  • Technology Chair / Co-Chair
  • Treatment Chair / Co-Chair
  • Corrections Chair
  • MCSO Liaison

The Steering Committee shall meet every month to discuss new business and upcoming agenda items for the monthly business meeting. The Steering Committee meeting is open to all who wish to attend; however, only Steering Committee members may vote. Non-members may speak at the invitation of the Committee. The Committee may go into executive session as necessary at any time to discuss matters independent of any observers.

The Steering Committee is an advisory body comprised of elected members who provide guidance on issues such as budgets, new endeavors, policy, and Traditions. The Steering Committee will be responsible for reviewing issues and making recommendations to the body as a whole. The Steering Committee, acting in the best interests of VWHI, makes determinations regarding Coordinators and Service Committee and facilities in emergency situations.

Committee Chair: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • Hospitals & Institutions experience: two or more years


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  3. Coordinate all Steering Committee activities.
  4. Conduct the monthly VWHI business meeting and the Steering Committee meeting.
  5. Prepare agendas for both Steering and business meetings and Electronically transmit them to the committees and body.
  6. Serve as the second signer on the bank account paperwork (in addition to the Treasurer).
  7. Frequently check the official e-mail account as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.
  8. Maintain communications with GSO, Area and District asking them to forward their respective reports to the co-chair if they will not be attending the monthly business meeting.
  9. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Committee Co-Chair: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: two or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  3. Assist the Committee Chair and conduct monthly meetings in his/her absence.
  4. Chair one monthly business meeting per year online.
  5. Make coordinator reports at monthly business meetings on behalf of any coordinator who is unable to attend.
  6. Read Concept of the month at each monthly meeting or designate another.
  7. Time reports at monthly meeting to ensure that meeting does not exceed time.
  8. Conduct a group inventory at the end of their first year into rotation.
  9. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Treasurer: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  3. Maintain the VWHI checking account, which requires two (2) signatures, and which shows the VWHI post office box as the address. The second signature on the account paperwork at the bank shall be that of the Committee Chair.
  4. Provide VWHI with monthly written financial statements listing receipts, expenditures, and current balance.
  5. Pay bills for rent, literature, coffee supplies, insurance, storage unit, post office box rental, miscellaneous supplies, electronic payment collection services and any other expenses as approved.
  6. Expenditures for other items must have Steering Committee approval and must also be approved by a simple majority of VWHI.
  7. Provide $1,000 seed money to the VWHI Awareness Day Committee each spring and fall. Collaborate with Awareness Day Chair after each event to ensure all expenses are reconciled and disclosed to the body.
  8. Responsible for encouraging regular contributions to VWHI by individuals or groups. Collaborate with the Technology Chair to maintain any contributions on the Web site.
  9. Reimburse or pay expenses to attend the Area 03 Corrections Conference for the Corrections Chair and MCSO Liaison. If any of these three cannot attend, the Steering Committee Chair may appoint another member of the Steering Committee to attend.
  10. Regularly check the post office box for bills and contributions.
  11. Advise the chair of anything not bill related.
  12. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account, as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Secretary: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years


  • Sobriety requirement: two or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  3. Keep accurate minutes and attendance records of monthly VWHI meetings.
  4. Utilize attendance records to ensure that only qualified members vote.
  5. Electronically transmit draft minutes titled draft to Technology Chair for publication within two weeks of the meeting.
  6. Maintain communications with GSO, Area, local committees, groups/home groups and the fellowship as a whole.
  7. The Secretary shall conduct the Steering Committee meeting and the monthly VWHI business meeting in the event neither the Committee Chair nor the Committee Co-Chair is present.
  8. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Literature Chair: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  3. Order and maintain an adequate inventory of AA Conference-approved literature and books.
  4. Receive from Facility Coordinators requests and changes in monthly literature requirements and distribute them at the monthly business meetings.
  5. Maintain inventory control records.
  6. Deliver reports at the monthly Steering Committee and VWHI business meetings.
  7. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Technology Chair (Webservant): 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.
  • Working knowledge of Web site programming and/or management


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  3. Adequately maintain, update, and oversee activities of and associated e-mail addresses.
  4. Coordinate with Treasurer to pay hosting fees and domain registration fees.
  5. Maintain availability to sit on any technology-related ad hoc committees.
  6. Assist the alternate with maintenance and backup of VWHI laptops.
  7. Assign and maintain e-mail account for each elected officer.
  8. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

MCSO Liaison: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • Working knowledge of the Steps and Traditions of AA, as well as MCSO correctional agency rules and regulations
  • Recommended to be badged to enter MCSO facility.
  • Recommended to serve as a lead volunteer/meeting facilitator for at least two years.
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  3. Attend Area 03 Corrections Conference.
  4. Serve as single point of contact for Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
  5. Authorized to submit VWHI H&I sponsorship letters to MCSO for all new and renewal volunteer applications. If the MCSO Liaison is unavailable to write a sponsorship letter, the Corrections Chair may write the letter. The MCSO Liaison is to delete all copies of letterhead upon completion of term.
  6. Maintain database of current VWHI volunteers for MCSO.
  7. Collaborate with VWHI jail coordinators to educate and train new volunteers.
  8. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account MCSO_Liaison as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Corrections Chairperson: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: two or more years.
  • Working knowledge of the Steps and Traditions of AA and correctional rules and regulations.
  • Recommended to be badged at a correctional facility.
  • Recommended to serve as a lead volunteer/meeting facilitator for at least two years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  3. Function as liaison between all complex coordinators and personnel at each correctional facility.
  4. Establish and maintain relationships with standing committees on the Intergroup, District 08 and Area 03 levels.
  5. Collaborate with the federal prison coordinator and MCSO.
  6. Attending the annual Area 03 Corrections Conference.
  7. Offer workshops/training to current, new and potential coordinators in the following areas:
  • Record-keeping
  • Volunteer management.
  • Working with corrections personnel
  • Special Events
  1. Only in the case that the MCSO or Federal coordinators are unavailable to write VWHI sponsorship letters for new/renewing volunteers, the Corrections Chair shall write the necessary letters. The Corrections Chair is to delete all copies of letterhead upon completion of term.
  2. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account corrections_chair as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Treatment Chairperson: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: two or more years.
  • Working knowledge of the Steps and Traditions of AA and residential treatment facility rules and regulations.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  3. Establish and maintain relationships with standing committees on the Intergroup, District 08 and Area 03 levels.
  • Offer workshops/training to current, new and potential coordinators in the following areas: Record-keeping.
  • Volunteer management.
  • Working with residential treatment center facility personnel
  • Special Events
  1. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Service committee: the Service committee shall be comprised of the

  • Outreach Rep (previously the Service liaison)
  • Volunteer advisor (previously -Volunteer coordinator)
  • Newcomer Rep (previously part of the Newcomer liaison)
  • Awareness Day Coordinator
  • Bridging the Gap Rep and Alt
  • Alt Secretary

Outreach Rep 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: two or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: two or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  2. Work together with home group reps and home groups. Attending home group business meetings and A.A. events to raise awareness of VWHI throughout the Valley.
  3. Answer questions about H&I meetings and encourage attendance at the H&I business meetings.
  4. The Outreach chair can establish a committee to assist in covering the greater area of the Valley and shall provide job descriptions for positions on the committee to dark groups.
  5. The Outreach chair can have a budget to be reflected on the Treasurer’s report.
  6. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Volunteer advisor (previously -Volunteer coordinator). 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: two or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: two or more years.
  • Working knowledge of the steps and traditions of AA
  • Working knowledge of residential treatment facilities
  • Working knowledge of all correctional facilities
  • Attend Monthly business meetings.
  • Attend all Awareness Day activities and volunteer where needed.
  • Function as volunteer director between volunteers and Treatment Chair, Correction Chair, and MCSO liaison.
  • Working knowledge or Excel Spreadsheets
  • Working Knowledge of Microsoft Word


  1. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  2. Maintain multiple Volunteer logs i.e., corrections and treatment and BTG.
  3. Distribute and collect all Volunteer sign-up sheets.
  4. Email template letters to new volunteers for data entry.
  5. Maintain and update all template letters for individual volunteers and group volunteers.
  6. Keep accurate records of trained volunteers and groups and send them to Treatment Chair.
  7. Work with Treatment Co-Chair and Treatment Chair, Correction Chair, and MCSO liaison to place all volunteers in areas of needed service.
  8. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Newcomer Rep: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: two or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  2. Work together with new home group reps.
  3. Advise new reps on how to access the VWHI Group Rep email.
  4. Answer questions about H&I meetings and encourage attendance at the H&I business meetings.
  5. Provide new reps with the suggested reporting tool to bring the info to their groups.
  6. Encourage all Home Group Representatives and Intergroups to participate in Awareness Day.
  7. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account newcomer_Rep as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Awareness Day Coordinator: 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.


  • Sobriety requirement: two or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings.
  2. Update ongoing Awareness Day records on back up drive.
  3. Form a committee to plan and host the bi-annual VWHI Awareness Day. Chair all committee meetings, which should be held on a regular basis.
  4. Coordinate all phases of Awareness Day planning and implementation.
  5. Deliver interim and final reports for each Awareness Day event at the monthly business meetings.
  6. Encouraged to invite Home Group Representatives and Intergroups to participate in Awareness Day.
  7. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account awareness_day as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Bridging the Gap Rep (BTG): 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.

Bridging the Gap connects people just leaving institutions with active members of AA who can take them to meetings within the first 48 hours of their release. This position is now elected as part of the VWHI committee.


  • Sobriety requirement: two or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Business meetings.
  2. Be familiar with the treatment center and corrections regulations.
  3. Coordinate literature needs for Bridging the Gap pamphlets and distribute these to Meeting Facilitators and prison coordinators.
  4. Compile and update the volunteer database regularly.
  5. Verify and update the volunteer database regularly collaborating with the Volunteer Advisor.
  6. Regularly check the voicemail message line and assign volunteers to inmates and individuals exiting the various intuitions.
  7. Have a working knowledge of the VWHI guidelines.
  8. The BTG chair and co-chair are encouraged to attend Awareness Day events.
  9. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account Bridging_the_Gap as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Bridging the Gap Coordinator Alt (BTG): 2-year commitment, elected in odd years.

Bridging the Gap connects people just leaving institutions with active members of AA who can take them to meetings within the first 48 hours of their release. This position is now elected as part of the VWHI committee.


  • Sobriety requirement: two or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Business meetings.
  2. Be familiar with the treatment center and corrections regulations.
  3. Coordinate literature needs for Bridging the Gap pamphlets and distribute these to Meeting Facilitators and prison coordinators.
  4. Compile and update the volunteer database regularly.
  5. Verify and update the volunteer database regularly collaborating with the Volunteer Advisor.
  6. Regularly check the voicemail message line and assign volunteers to inmates and individuals exiting the various intuitions.
  7. Have a working knowledge of the VWHI guidelines.
  8. The BTG chair and co-chair is encouraged to attend Awareness Day events.
  9. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account Bridging_the_Gap as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Corrections Coordinators: 2-year commitment, elected in even years.


  • Sobriety requirement: two or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Business Committee meetings.
  2. Be familiar with the facility regulations and ensure they are followed at all meetings.
  3. Have a Facilitator at all meetings.
  4. Coordinate literature needs with Meeting Facilitators, place literature orders, pick up literature at the monthly H&I meetings and make sure it is distributed to the Meeting Facilitators.
  5. Ensure that all meetings observe the AA Traditions.
  6. Have a working knowledge of the VWHI guidelines.
  7. Coordinators are invited and encouraged to attend VWHI Awareness Day.
  8. If Coordinator is unable to attend monthly VWHI business meeting, Coordinator shall provide report to Co-Chair and Secretary via email communication prior to the start of the VWHI business meeting.
  9. Read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account respective facility as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Alt Secretary: 2-year commitment, elected in even years.

If the secretary is unavailable to perform their regular duties the alternate secretary will fill the position until the secretary returns or a new secretary is elected.


  • Sobriety requirement: two or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.


  1. Attend monthly VWHI Steering Committee meetings if the secretary is unable to do so.
  2. Attend monthly VWHI business meetings. if the secretary is unable to do so.
  3. Keep accurate minutes and attendance records of monthly VWHI meetings.
  4. Utilize attendance records to ensure that only qualified members vote.
  5. Electronically transmit draft minutes to Technology Chair for publication within Two weeks of meeting.
  6. Maintain communications with GSO, Area, local committees, groups/home groups and the fellowship as a whole.
  7. The Secretary shall conduct the Steering Committee meeting and the monthly VWHI business meeting in the event neither the Committee Chair nor the Committee Co-Chair is present.
  8. In the absence of the Secretary read and return within a week all emails from the official e-mail account secretary as provided by the Technology Chair. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Technology (webservant) Co-Chair 2-year commitment, elected in even years.


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: one or more years.
  • Working knowledge of Web site programming and/or management


  1. Assist the technology chair (webservant) with day-to-day operations of VWHI.
  2. Adequately maintain, update, and oversee activities of and associated e-mail addresses as needed by the chair.
  3. Assist chair with maintenance and backup of VWHI laptops.


Treatment Co-Chair 2 Year Commitment elected in even years.


  • Sobriety requirement: five or more years of continuous sobriety
  • H&I experience: two or more years.
  • Working knowledge of the steps and traditions of AA
  • Working knowledge of residential treatment facilities
  • Attend Monthly business meetings.
  • Attend Monthly Steering Committee meetings if the chair cannot.
  • Attend all Awareness Day activities and volunteer where needed.
  • Working knowledge or Excel Spreadsheets
  • Working Knowledge of Microsoft Word


  1. Maintain Treatment and Institution Data sheet.
  2. Email template letters to new Facilities for data entry.
  3. Verify any new facilities information is correct.
  4. Read and return all emails from in a timely manner.
  5. Maintain and update all template letters for Treatment facilities.
  6. Keep accurate records of Facilities dates, needs and placement of volunteers.
  7. Coordinate with the volunteer advisor to place volunteers into facilities.
  8. Keep accurate records of unplaced facilities.
  9. Assess and assemble new treatment centers, detoxification centers, hospitals and or half-way house for new panels.
  10. Continue to gather “rouge” panels and place them under the H&I umbrella.
  11. Keeping up to date records on treatment centers and their needs and their volunteers.
  12. Conduct online Volunteer training six times per year with the treatment chair.
  13. Be willing and able to hold impromptu training when necessary to place panel
  14. Regularly check the official e-mail account. Use the official e-mail to communicate with other members of VWHI and to outside persons for any e-mail correspondence pertaining to VWHI business.

Meeting/Panel Facilitator: must have the amount of sobriety required per the specific facility’s guidelines. Treatment facilitators are required to attend treatment Training.


  1. Make sure the meeting in the facility is held regularly.
  2. Adhere to the AA Traditions and Facility regulations.

Group Representative

The Group Representative is selected by each group via a method of their choosing. The responsibilities of the Group Representative are also determined by each group, as are term of office and eligibility requirements.


  1. The Group Representative shall serve as a communication link between the group and VWHI.
  2. The Group Representative shall have a voice and a vote at all VWHI monthly business meetings. Only one representative from each group shall vote at the VWHI business meeting.
  3. The Group Representative is invited and encouraged to attend Awareness Day events.
  4. The Group Representative will be asked to report to the Committee their group conscience on various matters.
  5. The group representative shall sign up on the email system provided by vwhi at

Intergroup Liaison:

Agua Fría, ASCYPAA, SRI, EVI, Spanish Liaisons


The respective liaisons are selected by their respective committees via a method of their own choosing. The responsibilities of these liaisons are also determined by each of their committees, as are terms of office and eligibility requirements.


  1. They are invited and encouraged to attend Awareness Day events.
  2. Shall serve as a communication link between their service entity and VWHI.
  3. They shall have a voice and a vote at all VWHI monthly business meetings.

District 08 and Sub District 16


These coordinators are selected by their respective committees via a method of their own choosing. The responsibilities of these liaisons are also determined by each of their committees, as are terms of office and eligibility requirements.


  1. They are invited and encouraged to attend Awareness Day events.
  2. Shall serve as a communication link between their service entity and VWHI.
  3. They shall have a voice and a vote at all VWHI monthly business meetings.

Financial Institutions and Other Legal Entities

In dealing with financial institutions and other legal entities, the Chair may be referred to as the President.

When a new Chair or Treasurer is elected, at least one existing account signer must appear with the new officer to add the new officer to the financial accounts, including but not limited to the VWHI bank account, and remove the outgoing officer. To make such changes, the VWHI minutes, indicating the election of the new Chairperson or Treasurer, must be presented.

AA Newsletters

Only the Chairperson & Co-Chairperson may place items in local newsletters. Such items must not be statements of policy and must not commit the body to a course of action unless approved by a vote of the full body.

Robert’s Rules of Order

It is recommended that VWHI implement the usage of Robert’s Rules of Orders (abbreviated) for conducting Steering Committee and monthly VWHI business meetings.

Group Inventory

It is recommended that the Steering Committee conduct a group inventory at the end of their first year into rotation.